From: Brenda Dumper <[redacted email address]>
To: Cherin [redacted] <[redacted email address]>
Date: January 27, 2021
Subject: Update from Bp. Stewart regarding Greenhouse Review

Dear [redacted] and Cherin,

I am writing to follow through on the concerns you raised with me over the last 18 months regarding the Greenhouse Missionary Society.

I want you to know that the review I asked for has been completed and delivered to the Greenhouse Board and myself in November 2020.  Since that time, Cn. Eirik Olsen has been serving as Executive Pastor with the goal of maintaining the strengths of the Greenhouse; but also bringing needed corrections and change.

If you have any specific questions I would encourage you to reach out to Cn. Eirik and cc Brenda.

I am sincerely grateful that you brought your concerns to me -- thank you.

Yours in Christ,

PS I want you to know that your request for our learnings from this process be collected, and that is exactly what's happened. We will also use those learnerings [sic] to help formulate guidelines for other churches.