Our news page features abuse-related ACNA news and updates with commentary written by the ACNAtoo team.
In Solidarity with the Survivors of Jeff Taylor
ACNAtoo stands in solidarity with the survivors of abuse by Jeff Taylor. Thank you for coming forward and minimizing your abuser’s access to future victims. We have seen and experienced what it costs to try to hold our own abusers and others accountable, within the ACNA and elsewhere, and we honor the steep price each of you paid and continue to pay.
2024 Round-up
As we conclude another year of advocacy, we’re grateful for our supporters inside and outside the ACNA. In 2024, our most popular blog posts educated readers on domestic violence, community grooming, and betrayal blindness.
Bp. Chris Warner Updates on Falls Church Anglican Investigation
On November 25, 2024, Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic Bp. Chris Warner shared a letter to update the diocese on the investigation by Isler Dare at The Falls Church Anglican that studied abuse of students by youth pastor Jeff Taylor in the church’s Cornerstone youth ministry from 1990-2002
Growing Calls for Transparency
ACNA clergy and laity have expressed growing concerns regarding ACNA’s lack of transparency around the trial process and the unexplained decision of senior ACNA bishops not to inhibit Bp. Ruch from ministry pending the trial’s completion.
Clarification regarding Todd Atkinson
While not focused on Atkinson himself, the letter contains this prescient reference in its single footnote: 'For example…some of us are troubled by the apparent claim to extra-biblical revelation by Bishop Todd. Others have raised concerns that the ‘unique discipleship method’ of VA may incline toward ‘Heavy Shepherding’ with its unaccountable reliance on one leader.' The priests’ important critique of the larger process remained unheeded, and these red flags about Atkinson were cast aside with it.
Regarding the Next Archbishop of The Anglican Church in North America
A candidate such as Bp. Breedlove who, during his tenure as bishop, has shown incredibly poor judgment and poor leadership, and who has caused division, great hurt and confusion for those under his care, is not up to the challenges of being the next archbishop.
Statement on Todd Atkinson’s Deposition
It is commendable that the bishops have finally voted to depose Atkinson, but it is concerning that the proceedings leading up to this decision dragged on for years. It is also unacceptable that the ACNA admitted Atkinson into the province in the first place, given that Canadian Anglican priests warned Bp. Charlie Masters in 2018 about Atkinson’s prior misconduct and asked him not to hastily recommend Atkinson to the ACNA.
Rev. Dan Claire’s Petition Denied
On November 6, 2023, the ACNA released a document from the Provincial Tribunal which shows that in April 2023 Rev. Claire petitioned the Tribunal for an “end to all judicial proceedings related to the complaints raised in 2020 and 2021 or claims similar thereto.”
Board of Inquiry announces second ecclesiastical trial for Bishop Stewart Ruch
On November 6, 2023, the ACNA Province announced that a Board of Inquiry appointed by Archbishop Foley Beach found probable cause to present Bp. Stewart Ruch of the ACNA Diocese of the Upper Midwest (UMD) for an ecclesiastical trial for violation of Canons IV.2.4 and IV.2.10, as laid out in a presentment brought by three bishops on December 23, 2022.
Bp. Ruch’s Ecclesiastical Trial
On August 15, 2023 the ACNA Province released two announcements regarding Stewart Ruch, Bishop of the ACNA Diocese of the Upper Midwest (UMD). The first was a declaration from the Board of Inquiry that Bp. Ruch is headed for an ecclesiastical trial. The second was an update on the two presentments brought against Bp. Ruch.
Survivors Suffer As Bishops Battle: A Statement on the ACNA Crisis of Governance
Can there be meaningful accountability for leaders accused of mishandling abuse, waging covert warfare against survivors, and committing gross negligence of their pastoral duties? Or will personal influence, infighting, partisanship, and cronyism gain the spotlight? Canonical processes and procedures have a purpose: to safeguard the people and protect the life of the church from that which could hinder it.
Rivera Takes Plea Deal in Rape Case
Rivera was charged with two counts of criminal sexual assault of a victim unable to give knowing consent. Today he agreed to a plea deal for one of the charges and will accept a 6-year sentence per that deal.
Sentencing of Mark Rivera
Today was the conclusion of the sentencing hearing for former UMD lay catechist Mark Rivera.
ACNAtoo 2022-2023: Whistleblowers, Warnings, and What You Can Do
ACNAtoo was launched in June 2021 in response to the pleas of survivors of sexual abuse and their advocates in the ACNA Diocese of the Upper Midwest. We now exist to support survivors reporting abuse in all dioceses of the ACNA. After a busy year, we’re looking back on the events of 2022 and looking forward with hope to the year ahead.
Statement on the Recent Challenge to Helen Keuning’s Testimony
On Thursday, November 3, ACNAtoo received documentation and an assertion from Church of the Resurrection Deacon Will Chester challenging the veracity of an entry in our recent Timeline installment.
This statement addresses that challenge in depth, starting with the events that led us to include the testimony in question in our Timeline.
Re-release of the ACNA Husch Blackwell Report
This is a re-release of the Husch Blackwell report. The report remains unchanged except for additional redactions to protect sensitive personal and identifying survivor information.
Rivera’s trial resumes again
Mark Rivera’s bench trial will resume on Friday, October 14, at the Kane Co. Judicial Center, over 41 months since the young girl’s parents notified police of Mark’s alleged sexual abuse. This will be the 46th scheduled court appearance for this family in their journey through the criminal justice system.
Rivera’s Trial Resumes
Mark Rivera’s bench trial will resume on September 29, over fifteen weeks after the trial began on July 12.
Why We’re Here: A Reminder on the Forthcoming Report
With Husch-Blackwell’s redacted investigative report soon to be publicly available, ACNAtoo would like to offer a reminder of our primary concerns regarding this investigation.
Rivera’s Trial Delayed Again
Mark Rivera’s bench trial was postponed again on September 2 when the defense did not conclude their case. It will resume on September 29, over twelve weeks after the trial began on July 12.