From Joanna Rudenborg’s November 2020 sexual assault disclosure:
“Minutes after I awoke, confused and numb, I heard a knock at the door. I got dressed as quickly as I could and opened the door. Mark was there. He handed me some headache pills. He sat down and asked me what I remembered from the night before. I said that I remembered basically nothing. He said I had gotten severely inebriated at your house, so that he and Chris had to walk me home to make sure I made it there. He said they helped me to bed, then returned to your house, where he discovered my phone. He said Chris advised him not to take it to me, to wait until morning. He said he promised Chris he wouldn’t take it to me, but went back anyway, after Chris left.
He then proceeded to tell me, with much enthusiasm, that he had returned to my house, sat down on my bed to talk to me and make sure I was alright, and that I then proceeded to seduce him. I will spare you the details.”