Date: May 4, 2021
From: Anne Kessler
To: Cherin Marie, Joanna Rudenborg, Eve Ahrens, [Redacted], Brenda Dumper, Stewart Ruch
Dear Joanna, Cherin, AnneMarie [Eve], and [Redacted],
I wanted you all to have a copy of the letter from Bishop Stewart that was just sent out to all the churches of the diocese. All of the Rectors are being asked to share this with their congregations. Bishop Stewart will also make a verbal announcement at Rez on Sunday asking everyone to read the letter.
In this letter we give the email contact for the independent investigator at Grand River Solutions and encourage anyone who has been harmed by Mark to reach out.
I welcome your participation in this process as much as possible. I realized that due to the criminal cases, that might limit some of you from being involved at this time. Just know that when the time is right for you, I would also be happy to make a direct connection between you and Cherie Scricca who is the lead on this case.