From: Mark Rivera <[redacted email address]>
To: [redacted] <[redacted email address]>
Date: May 31, 2019 at 4:36 PM
Subject: Big Rock update

Hello all,

The diarrhea hurricane continues.

The owner of all of the properties in Big Rock ([redacted identifying information]) doesn't want me at the house I was staying in (which I understand if he believes me to be guilty). There was an arrangement for the family to go to my neighbor's house ([redacted]) and I would stay at our place. I have decided against that because [redacted] and [redacted] are beginning to show signs of depression and an upheaval right now would make things worse.

I have decided to sleep in my car till a suitable arrangement can be made. I slept in cars as a teenager and all I remember was the bitter cold. At least this time around, I won't be freezing - yay!

I am hoping to find lodging in or as near to Big Rock as possible. Please keep praying, and for [Mark’s wife] especially.
She has to pretend to be ok in front of the kids and she is wearing thin.
