From: Mark Rivera <[redacted email address]>
To: [redacted] <[redacted email address]>
Date: May 31, 2019 at 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: Big Rock update
I'd like to amend my update to make it a little more accurate.
I was informed that the landlord wanted me out and that arrangements had been made for my family to move down the street. But then my landlord texted and said to wait while he sorted things out.
I then decided (after discussing it with [Mark’s wife] and other wise friends) that it would be better for me to move out even though the landlord said to wait. The reasons are pretty simple. There is strife developing within the family of my closest friends.
My pastor (and his wife are long time and dear friends) is the landlord's brother-in-law, one of my and [Mark’s wife]'s closest friends, who is also a godmother to [redacted] AND [redacted], and is the one who lives down the road where the family would move to is the daughter of my landlord. If I attempted to explain more of the relationships all of our heads could explode.
By me choosing to move out and thus exempting all parties from any blame or taking any sides, I save my beloved community a ton of strife. My people have enough to deal with and to pray about as it is. Me moving out is a deliberate strategic move for the sake of my community. So in case my 1st email made my landlord out to be a jerk, I need you all to understand that he isn't. I would have done the same thing based on the limited information he had.