On Mar 7, 2022, at 10:35 AM, John Mackett <[redacted email address]> wrote:

Dear Helen,

Blessings to you today. I am sorry I didn't write to you last week. I was wondering how your time with [redacted] and the others on 2/26. You were in my prayers.

John Mackett



From: H. Keuning
Date: March 8, 2022
To: John Mackett
Subject: Re: Meeting with [redacted], et. al.

Dear John,

Hello! Thank you so much for praying for me with regard to that visit. It went very well. It was a delight to see [redacted] and to meet with a couple of the survivors.

I appreciate you asking. Of course, I don’t agree with everything ACNATOO is doing online, but I did get to hear about how many victims have reached out to them (not all from UMD or from ACNA churches at all, but just GENERAL responses) . . . and how they are actually referring those women to counselors and to help. So, again, I feel like God is working in 10,000 ways that we don’t even see or understand.

But, honestly, it was also sad for me to see and hear how wounded they are still and how they still feel marginalized and demonized within the UMD. I personally know they reached out for months before going public on Twitter so they feel “social media” is their only option for getting a response from leadership within our diocese and within the ACNA.

Anyway, it was a good time to sit with them and to cry with them and to listen to their story.

Thank you, Helen K.