Date: March 31, 2021
From: Rand York
To: Joanna Rudenborg
Cc: [Rand York’s wife], Stewart Ruch, Eirik Olsen, Steve Williamson, Anne Kessler, Helen Keuning, Brenda Dumper, [redacted advocate], Eve Ahrens, Cherin Marie
Dear Joanna,
I am grieved by the suffering you have experienced. I understand that my own involvement has either not helped, or has indirectly made the pain worse for you. I have not wanted to be a source of hurt, though I don’t expect that to be understandable or believable to you now, which also saddens me.
I must address a couple things in your response for the sake of clarity. You said in your email that I have “made it clear” where I stand. I have, in fact, not told anyone “where I stand,” so I would prefer that no assumptions or attributions be made about what my stance must be, or why it may be.
It is true that the actions I have taken and am taking are my choice, so I take full responsibility for them. These are choices that seem wisest and right to me in this situation and at this time. I am not open to negotiating or discussing these choices with you. I believe I understand what you strongly desire and your opinions have been stated very clearly, so I realize this must be objectionable to you. I don’t take that lightly, which is why this is not easy for me. Still, I remain convinced of how I must proceed, and I cannot add anything to this at this time.
One of my original concerns, which contributed to my long silence, was my prior understanding of what you wanted me to do, which I could not do, or which I did not feel it was right to do at the time. Given that impasse, I doubted that any response I’d feel free to offer would be helpful. That seems still to be the case.
Until convictions or circumstances change in ways that make further communications beneficial, you remain in my love and prayers,
Your Godfather,