From: Dawn Jewell
Date: March 24, 2022 at 10:13 AM
To: H. Keuning
Subject: Sorely missing you
Hi, Helen,
So glad you emailed. I'm not technically on the BC, so I don't get all the correspondence, but I heard about your resignation and requested your letter Tuesday. I've been mourning since then.
It is a huge loss for the Diocese and a great personal sorrow to me to have you resign. While I don't even know the full extent to the many ways in which you served the Diocese while on the Council, I do know it was countless hours, innumerable conversations, thoughts and prayers, far beyond what you or anyone anticipated. Beyond your generosity of time, your courage to voice hard questions and concerns was an immense gift to the Council that I observed largely from afar and was deeply thankful for as a fellow sister in Christ caring deeply for survivors and women. I particularly appreciated your ability to hold and weigh the Diocese's needs, Bp. Stewart and the survivors in your heart and mind, a challenging task and ability for anyone.
While I haven't been present for most Council meetings and am not privy to all the letters, calls, etc, I read Bp. Stewart letter's that Alec Smith presented after the meeting. I was also shocked initially by the very strong language in the letter, so I can understand how you reached a conclusion regarding Bp. Stewart's grasp for authority. However, when I re-read the letter in the larger context of a huge vacuum of communication between the Province and Bp. Stewart, I gained more perspective. After hearing Bp. John's recounting of their phone call, I felt Bp. Stewart was writing from a place of deep sorrow largely at his inability to shepherd the Diocese and deep frustration at the lack of communication and progress on the Provincial end. And not only sorrow but an extreme helplessness in the face of those hurting survivors and clergy who may have communicated to him their wishes for his pastoral assistance. The "demands" that seemed so forceful at first read, I later understood as an attempt to be heard in language appropriate for the Province.
At the same time, I recognize there are many ways in which the Diocese needs strengthening in its structures, accountability, and more. I hope and pray that the Council will help make that happen. I am so very grateful for all the ways in which you contributed toward a healthier Church.
Anyway, Helen, you remain a sister in Christ whom I deeply respect and appreciate, I regret we didn't have more in-person meetings as I would've loved the chance to get to know you better. I do hope our paths will cross again. You remain a sister in Christ whom I deeply respect and appreciate.
May the Lord bless you, refresh and guide you especially amid the California sunshine.
[redacted phone number]
From: H. Keuning
Date: March 30, 2022 at 1:00:09 PM CDT
To: Dawn Jewell
Subject: Re: Sorely missing you
Hello Dawn,
Thank you so much for this lovely, encouraging and generous letter. You are also a dear sister to me in Christ and there’s really nothing like going through battle together to bring folks together, is there? In many ways, I have lived — mentally, at least—in the “Rez” world more often than in the COTC one this past year. I also grieve at the loss of all of you in my life now.
I appreciate very much your perspective on Stewart’s response to the ACNA. I know that I may not be entirely accurate in my assessments. There is always so much that is hidden or fuzzy or not seen clearly. What I do know is that I lost faith in our leaders wanting to do the right things, or at least, having the humility and courage to pursue the right paths, no matter the cost.
I don’t have the whole story. Only my little fraction of it. It is very incomplete. But, I wanted the BC to see my little piece of it and I am praying that God would bring ALL the other pieces to light as well.
Please know that I feel so much respect and admiration for you too, Dawn. You are an asset to Rez, to our Diocese and to God’s Kingdom!
I do also hope our paths cross again sometime soon. It has been a privilege to serve alongside you.
With both deep gratitude and real sorrow, Helen
PS — I apologize for the late reply. My daughter returned to school yesterday and I have been catching up on all of life!