March 1, 2021, 3:05 PM
Joanna Rudenborg to Anne Kessler
Cc: Cherin Marie, Eve Ahrens, [Advocate A], Brenda Dumper, Stewart Ruch, Eirik Olsen, Steve Williamson, Helen Keuning
Dear Anne and team,
While you are taking time to discern and research more, I want to suggest <p><a href=>this interview</a></p> Julie Roys did with Boz Tchividjian, in late 2019. I think it adds more context to what I was saying in the last email, about the shortage of truly survivor-centered independent investigators. In the interview, Julie questions Boz about what options organizations have besides GRACE, because she has noticed, in her own work, how most investigations fail to be transparent or accomplish any of the survivor’s primary objectives. In fact, this is a theme I hear repeated over and over, in Julie’s interviews, which I am now listening to on a regular basis.
I also want to reiterate a recommendation from my January email, and encourage you to <p><a href=>read</a></p> or <p><a href=>listen to</a></p> Rachael Denhollander’s book, What Is a Girl Worth? Rachael’s story is incredibly powerful and full of relevant themes and details. It shows how abusers groom and manipulate communities; it paints a picture of the uphill battle victims face even when there are many of them and the truth is undeniable; it dives deep into the shame and trauma survivors suffer that haunts us every day; it contains examples of churches that failed survivors, but also of those that supported them well, and even one that evolved from the first category to the second. [Advocate A] read it back in January, and recommended it to me. I read it and recommended it to my mom, and also to Annemarie’s uncle, when he asked how he could better support me. He read it and found it so helpful he started buying copies for his friends and family. I’m hoping everyone in my Christian circles, who is seeking to inform their minds and hearts on this issue, will read Rachael’s book.
I will forward more resources as I remember or come across them. I hope you all will also share anything enlightening that you find. Eirik, I’ve been looking into Wade Mullen’s work, as you suggested, and finding his writing and interviews on spiritual abuse very informative. The last ten minutes of <p><a href=>this interview</a></p> Julie did with Wade revisit the dilemma, yet again, of how most independent investigations actually only constitute a checked box for the organization being investigated, and not a pathway for healing and transformation.
I realize that this process of discovery and truth-telling is emotionally fraught, on many levels, and that Cherin and I stating our boundaries and needs may feel aggressive to some of you, at times. I hope our teams can keep collaborating and learning together, and find the very best way through this.