Date: January 22, 2021
From: Joanna Rudenborg
To: Stewart Ruch
Cc: Cherin Marie, Eve Ahrens, [redacted advocate], William Beasley, Keith Hartsell, Eirik Olsen
Stewart and Eirik,
We all appreciate you responding so promptly, and look forward to hearing back from you when you’ve had a chance to digest and absorb further.
It just occurred to me that I should invite you to share this email with any relevant people: Rez pastors, other leaders, whomever you consult with as you’re discerning things. The same goes for my November email. The story is obviously personal and painful, and people have been sensitive to forwarding it, for that reason, which I appreciate. But at this point I’ve shared it with all my friends and family (the difficult part), and beyond that I just consider it to exist as a testimony that’s available to anyone looking into the larger situation.
The only caveat to what I just said is the incident list that’s in the recent email and the email I sent to COLA and forwarded you. Since a couple of the listed victims are still minors, and others have offered their stories for the record but not necessarily full public disclosure, please use discretion and just let recipients know to be sensitive to over-sharing victim names. Overall, though, my goal in all of this is complete transparency, so besides any stated exceptions, go ahead and share anything I send you with anyone who’s involved in your discernment process.
Thank you again for all your care and consideration.