February 15, 2021, 11:14 AM
Anne Kessler to Eve Ahrens
Cc: Joanna Rudenborg, Cherin Marie, [Advocate A], Brenda Dumper, Stewart Ruch.
Wow...all points you have made are so informative for me...thank you.
I am wondering if I could have your permission (without including your name) to use this email in interviewing the potential organizations. My thought is to ask the organizations to respond to how their approach matches up with the points listed in your email? I think this would be very helpful as I continue to search for an organization that will best serve all of our needs.
I've heard back from three other organizations that Wheaton College passed along to me and I think this would be very helpful. I also called Amy at GRACE and then finally got a call back late Friday afternoon. I am hoping she and I will be able to connect today.
Let me know if you are okay with me using your email.