Date: December 10, 2020, 11:35 AM:
From: Eve Ahrens <[redacted email address]>
To: Valerie McIntyre <[redacted email address]>
Cc: Stewart Ruch, Joanna Rudenborg
Hello Val,
I don't know that we've ever formally met, but I have heard kind words about the support you've offered Cherin over the years. Joanna has been staying with us out of state so she can have some safety and support during this process. We also attended Rez for 10 years and lived in the Big Rock area for 5 years so we're pretty familiar with everyone involved.
Stewart had offered pastoral care to Joanna, along with everyone else involved, and I know in talking to Cherin that you also refer out for appropriate professional counseling. I was wondering if you have counselors that contract with you for certain rates or what other financial collaboration that Rez offers. I am trying to help Joanna resource some competent referrals, and while I have some great connections in the field (whom I would highly recommend, by the way, given the current situation may require more specialized referrals in complex sexual trauma), Joanna is on Medicaid and living on savings while she is here, and most trauma competent therapists currently have long waiting lists with no sliding scale options. Thanks so much for your ongoing care for everyone.
All the best,
Eve Ahrens