Excerpt from Cherin’s May 1, 2021 email to Bp. Stewart:
Stewart, you shared with me that you had identified the need for some changes in Greenhouse, and that you wanted my family to be an active part in bringing about the important institutional change and transformation that was needed. I was greatly encouraged by this, especially that you had asked for an independent review of Greenhouse, to look more deeply into all of these things. Months after our conversation with you, on April 22, 2020, I had a short phone call with Fr. Eric Snyder, who was carrying out the Greenhouse review; that was as far as our involvement went. We hoped and expected to be a real part of that process and to have an opportunity to share our story fully, so others could learn from and develop needed changes from it; instead, I was able to share the bullet points of what had happened with Fr Snyder, and that was it. When I received your email in January 2021 (sent by Brenda [Dumper]) saying that the Greenhouse review had been completed the previous fall and you had received the final report, it seemed clear that the results and findings were not to be shared with us. We didn’t actually feel comforted by this – we were deeply hurt and greatly troubled by the fact that we still had no idea what the investigation uncovered and what, if any, positive changes the diocese has taken as a result. We expected and were hoping to see institutional accountability, at least for the fact that Greenhouse child safety training left several mandated reporters thinking they did not have to report allegations of child sex abuse; instead we were omitted from the process, the findings, and any ensuing changes that took place.