Our blog contains ACNAtoo statements and updates, community resources written by the ACNAtoo team, articles on abuse-related topics by outside experts, and more.

Fr. Keith and the Case of the Missing Correction
The Province alerted ACNAtoo that Fr. Keith Hartsell would issue a public correction on October 31 regarding his misleading comments from September 5. However, the audio of the 10/31/21 livestream goes silent for 5:54 during the announcements. If any correction was issued, it was masked by this silence.

D.A.R.V.O. in Action
DARVO is an acronym that describes a manipulation strategy used by perpetrators in response to being held accountable for their actions. DARVO stands for Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender. In this post, we provide an educational breakdown of a public statement about one of our survivor stories showing DARVO in action.